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Difference between Present Perfect Tense and Present Perfect Continuous Tense


Present Perfect Tense:


1.     Completed Actions with Relevance to the Present:

Example: I have visited that museum before.

Example: She has already eaten lunch.

2.     Experience in Life:

Example: They have traveled to several countries.

3.     Unspecified Time in the Past:

Example: He has read that book.

Example: We have seen that movie.

4.     Multiple Actions at Different Times:

Example: I have written three articles and edited two.

Example: She has cooked various dishes this week.

5.     Recently Completed Actions:

Example: I have just finished my homework.

Example: They have recently moved to a new city.

6.     Changes Over Time:

Example: The weather has become colder.

Example: His English has improved significantly.





Present Perfect Continuous Tense:


1.     Continuous Actions Started in the Past and Continuing to the Present:

I have been working on this project for two hours.

He has been waiting for you since morning.

2.     Emphasizing Duration of the past an Action:

Example: She has been jogging for 30 minutes.

Example: They have been renovating their house for weeks.

3.     Repetitive or Annoying Actions:

Example: The neighbors have been playing loud music all night.

Example: I can't concentrate; someone has been talking loudly in the library.

4.     Expressions of Time with "For" and "Since":

Example: She has been studying for two weeks.

Example: I have been learning Spanish since last year.

5.     Actions Leading to a Current State:

Example: I'm out of breath; I've been running.

Example: Why is your hair wet? Have you been swimming?

6.     Describing Ongoing Events in connection with something happened in the past:

Example: I can't join you right now; I've been working all morning.

Example: Sorry, I'm late; I've been stuck in traffic.



Exercise 1:

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in either present perfect or present perfect continuous tense.

  1. I __________ (study) for this exam for three hours.
  2. She __________ (never/eat) Biriyani before.
  3. We __________ (visit) several countries.
  4. He __________ (work) at the company since 2010.
  5. They __________ (play) tennis for two hours.
  6. My sister __________ (read) that book already.





  1. have been studying
  2. has never eaten
  3. have visited
  4. has worked
  5. have been playing
  6. has read




Exercise 2:

Create a sentence that includes both present perfect and present perfect continuous tenses to describe a sequence of events.


  • I __________ (read) three chapters of the book, and then I __________ (write) a summary.




  • I have read three chapters of the book, and then I have been writing a summary.



Exercise 3:

Describe a personal experience using both present perfect and present perfect continuous tenses in different sentences.


  • I __________ (travel) to Europe.
  • Lately, I __________ (work) on improving my language skills.





  • I have traveled to Europe.
  • Lately, I have been working on improving my language skills.

Exercise 4:

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in either present perfect or present perfect continuous tense.

  1. She __________ (live) in this city for five years.
  2. They __________ (study) for their exams all week.
  3. It __________ (rain) since yesterday.
  4. I __________ (not/see) that movie yet.
  5. How long __________ you __________ (wait) for me?







  1. has lived
  2. have been studying
  3. has been raining
  4. have not seen
  5. have, been waiting


Most commonly used phrasal verbs


1. Bring up

   - Meaning: To mention or introduce a topic.

   - Example: She brought up an interesting point during the discussion.


2. Call off

   - Meaning: To cancel an event or arrangement.

   - Example: They had to call off the meeting due to unforeseen circumstances.


3. Come across

   - Meaning: To find or encounter unexpectedly.

   - Example: I came across an old friend at the bookstore.


4. Cut off

   - Meaning: To disconnect or stop the supply of something.

   - Example: The electricity was cut off during the storm.


5. Get along

   - Meaning: To have a harmonious relationship.

   - Example: Despite their differences, they get along well at work.


6. Go on

   - Meaning: To continue or proceed.

   - Example: The lecture will go on as scheduled.


7. Look after

   - Meaning: To take care of or attend to someone or something.

   - Example: Can you look after my cat while I'm away?


8. Put off

   - Meaning: To postpone or delay.

   - Example: The meeting was put off until next week.


9. Take up

   - Meaning: To begin or start a new activity or hobby.

   - Example: She decided to take up painting as a hobby.


10. Turn down

    - Meaning: To reject or decline an offer or request.

    - Example: Unfortunately, they turned down my job application.


11. Run out of

    - Meaning: To exhaust the supply of something.

    - Example: We ran out of milk, so I need to buy more.


12. Bring in

    - Meaning: To introduce or implement something new.

    - Example: The company plans to bring in a new policy.


13. Give up

    - Meaning: To surrender or stop trying.

    - Example: Don't give up on your dreams; keep working towards them.


14. Look forward to

    - Meaning: To anticipate or await eagerly.

    - Example: I look forward to meeting you next week.


15. Set up

    - Meaning: To arrange or establish something.

    - Example: They set up a meeting to discuss the project.


16. Turn up

    - Meaning: To arrive or appear.

    - Example: I hope he turns up at the party.


17. Break up

    - Meaning: To end a relationship.

    - Example: They decided to break up after years of dating.


18. Find out

    - Meaning: To discover or obtain information.

    - Example: I need to find out more about this topic.


19. Show up

    - Meaning: To appear or arrive, especially for an event.

    - Example: Please make sure to show up on time for the meeting.


20. Work out

    - Meaning: To exercise or resolve a problem.

    - Example: I need to work out regularly to stay healthy.


21. Bring down

    - Meaning: To reduce or cause a decrease.

    - Example: The new measures helped bring down the crime rate.


22. Check out

    - Meaning: To inspect or investigate.

    - Example: You should check out the new restaurant downtown.


23. Give in

    - Meaning: To surrender or yield to something.

    - Example: After hours of negotiation, they decided to give in.


24. Hold on

    - Meaning: To wait or hang on.

    - Example: Hold on for a moment; I'll be right back.


25. Log in

    - Meaning: To access a computer system.

    - Example: You need to log in with your username and password.


26. Pick up

    - Meaning: To collect or lift something.

    - Example: Can you pick up some groceries on your way home?


27. Take off

    - Meaning: To remove or start flying.

    - Example: The plane will take off in 30 minutes.


28. Break down

    - Meaning: To stop functioning or analyze in detail.

    - Example: The car broke down on the highway.


29. Come up with

    - Meaning: To produce or create an idea or solution.

    - Example: We need to come up with a plan for the project.


30. Get over

    - Meaning: To recover from an illness or emotional distress.

    - Example: It took her a while to get over the flu.


31. Go through

    - Meaning: To experience or endure something.

    - Example: Everyone goes through challenges in life.


32. Look up

    - Meaning: To search for information.

    - Example: You can look up the definition of that word in the dictionary.


33. Point out

    - Meaning: To identify or highlight something.

    - Example: She pointed out the main features of the report.


34. Run into

    - Meaning: To meet unexpectedly.

    - Example: I ran into my neighbor at the grocery store.


35. Bring back

    - Meaning: To revive or reintroduce something.

    - Example: The company decided to bring back an old tradition.


36. Give away

    - Meaning: To distribute or provide something for free.

    - Example: They decided to give away free samples of the product.


37. Look after

    - Meaning: To take care of or watch over someone or something.

    - Example: Can you look after my dog while I'm away?


38. Put up with

    - Meaning: To tolerate or endure something unpleasant.

    - Example: I can't put up with this noise any longer.


39. Turn in

    - Meaning: To submit or hand in something.

    - Example: Make sure to turn in your assignments by Friday.


40. Bring out

    - Meaning: To introduce or release a new product or publication.

    - Example: The company plans to bring out a new edition.










Exercise 1:

Fill in the blanks with the correct phrasal verbs from the given list.

--- hand in, clear out, break up, come up with, shut down---


1. The teacher asked the students to ____ their essays by Friday.

2. I need to ____ the old clothes; they are taking up too much space.

3. The party was so loud that I had to ____ early.

4. Let's ____ a plan before launching the new project.

5. The computer suddenly ____ in the middle of the presentation.




1. hand in

2. clear out

3. break up

4. come up with

5. shut down


Exercise 2:

Choose the correct phrasal verb to complete each sentence.


1. The manager decided to ____ the new policy next month.

   - a) bring up

   - b) bring in

   - c) bring out


2. I always ____ my room before guests arrive.

   - a) tidy up

   - b) tear up

   - c) turn up


3. The students were told to ____ when the bell rings.

   - a) break up

   - b) break down

   - c) break off


4. Can you ____ the lights? It's too dark in here.

   - a) turn on

   - b) turn off

   - c) turn up


5. The company plans to ____ a new product next year.

   - a) come across

   - b) come over

   - c) come out with




1. b) bring in

2. a) tidy up

3. a) break up

4. b) turn off

5. c) come out with


Exercise 3:

Complete each sentence with the correct phrasal verb.

--- go over, ran out of, put off, hand in, went off---


1. We need to ____ the issues before making a decision.

2. The children ____ playing in the park until it got dark.

3. The manager decided to ____ the meeting to next week.

4. She promised to ____ the report by tomorrow morning.

5. The alarm clock ____, waking me up suddenly.




1. go over

2. ran out of

3. put off

4. hand in

5. went off


Exercise 4:

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate phrasal verbs.

---come up with, look into, bring up, call off, turn down---


1. The company decided to ____ a new advertising campaign.

2. I need to ____ the contract before signing it.

3. The teacher asked the students to ____ any questions they had.

4. The rain forced us to ____ our outdoor event.

5. Can you ____ the volume? It's too loud.




1. come up with

2. look into

3. bring up

4. call off

5. turn down