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Literary Criticism Model Question Paper (Calicut University Fourth Semester BA English)



2019 admission on wards

I. Answer the following question in two or three sentences. (2 marks each) - Ceiling 25

1. Differentiate Anagnorisis and Peripetia?

2. When does poetic utterances contain profound truth according to Plato?

3. what are the four kinds of meaning according to I.A Richard?

4. How does Dryden defines satire?

5. What is Vakrokti?

6. What is Touchstone method?

7. concept of criticism according to F.R Leavis?

8. Differentiate Fancy and Imagination?

9. Explain Literariness?

10. Definition of poetry according to Wordsworth?

11. Concept of culture according to Matthew Arnold?

12. What are the three functions of word, according to Anandavardhana?

13. What is objective correlative?

14. Differentiate Irony and Paradox?

15. What is historical sense?

II. Answer the following questions in a paragraph (5 marks) - Ceiling -35

16. Explain the five sources of sublimity?

17. Rasa theory?

18. Negative Capability?

19. Explain the terms in Formalism?

20. Plato's attacks against poetry?

21. Dr.Johnson as a critic?

22. Archetypal criticism?

23. Impersonality Theory of poetry?

III. Answer any two of the following (2 * 10 = 20)

24. Contributions of Wordsworth and Coleridge in the field of literary criticism?

25. explain New Criticism?

26. Evaluate Aristotle as Critic?

27. Explain any two literary movements?

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