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Caesura : Definition with examples

Pauses are inevitable in speech. 

A break or pause in a verse line is known as caesura. It is indicated by this mark "||".

examples :

1 - 

“I hear lake water lapping || with low sounds by the shore…”

(The Lake Isle of Innisfree by William Butler Yeats)


2 -

To be, || or not to be — || that is the question...  -  Hamlet


3 - 

The woods are lovely, || dark and deep


4 -

The day is dark and dreary;
It’s raining, ||and the clouds are not weary;


 5 - 

Tonight the moon rises
In my window. || Its glazing light
scattered around the room.


6 - 

Season of mists || and mellow fruitfulness,
   Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;



Where are the songs of spring? || Ay, Where are they?
   Think not of them, ||thou hast thy music too,—



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