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Idiomatic Expressions in English


Idioms are group of words in a fixed order which have a meaning that cannot be guessed by knowing the meaning of the individual word. The proper use of idioms adds beauty and charm to one’s language. It is commonly use in (in) formal, spoken and written forms of language.



Some commonly used idioms in English


1. A bone of contention -  

 A subject which causes disagreements and arguments


2. A shoulder to cry on-  

 A person who gives you sympathy


3. Braking up the wrong tree -  

 To make the wrong   choice or ask the wrong person


4. Burn the candle at both ends-   

To do too many things and going to bed late


5. In/by leaps and bounds- 

Very quickly ; in large   amount


6. Lock horns( with somebody)- 

To get involved in an argument or a disagreement


7. Pour your heart to somebody-   

To tell somebody all your problems or feelings


8. Rack your brain(s)

To think very hard or for a   long time about something


9. Round the corner - Very near


10. Run out of steam-  

Lose your energy and enthusiasm


11. Stick to your guns-  

To refuse to change your mind   about something even when other people   are trying to persuade


12. Throw your weight around/about-

  Tell people what to do in a bossy way


13. To tie the knot-  Get married


14. Wreak havoc on (somebody) -

Cause a lot of damage


15. At your wits end

To be worried about a problem   that you do not know what to do next



* Rocket science -

 Something very difficult to understand


*Beat around the bush- 

Avoid saying what you mean, usually because it is uncomfortable.


*Hit the sack - Go to sleep


*It's raining cats and dogs- It's raining hard


*Once in a blue moon – Rarely


*A storm in a teacup - 

A big fuss about a small problem


* Burn bridges - Destroy relationships


* ‘A piece of cake’– something is very easy.



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