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Transactions: Model Questions

1.      1.  Identify the vowel sounds and categories them as monophthong or diphthong?

Choke, push, set, gun, soon, wall, choke, tour, go, wash

2     2. Identify the sounds of the underlined letters?

Think, jam, vision, mirage, Europe


3     3.We can see him tomorrow.  Identify the main verb and helping verb?

4    4. He asked her to marry him but she turned him down . identify the phrasal verb and identify the meaning?

5      5.Write the idiomatic expression for – a subject which causes disagreement and arguments?

6   6.  He is an eminent person? Write the meaning of the underlined words?

      7.Each given sentence has one word missing.  Correct it and justify your answer?

           A -  He not remember him.

B -  The teachers know her?


      8.Explain the way in which the given words differ in articulation and its meaning . support your answers with more examples?

E    Export (N)  & Export (V)

c    Conflict (N) & Conflict (V)  


9   9. Find out the phrasal verbs for the following words:

    To distribute -

    Have a holiday -

    Arrive –

    Tolerate –

1  10.Find out the idiomatic expression for the following

·  To do too many things and going to bed late

·   A person who gives you sympathy

·   To tell somebody all your problems

1 11. Describe the following picture?

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