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 Sample Questions



Fill in the blanks with suitable articles.

1. I saw _______ snake in _______ grass.

(a) in, the (b) the, in

(c) a, the (d) a, in

2. _______ boy ran across _______ street.

(a) the, to (b) the, at

(c) a, to (d) a, the

3. I have waited for _______ hour.

(a) an (b) to

(c) in (d) none of these

4. It is _______ old house.

(a) an (b) to

(c) in (d) at

5. _______ moon is shining in sky.

(a) a (b) the

(c) an (d) none of these

6. I need _______ book of verse.

(a) the (b) a

(c) few (d) to

7. There is _______ big tree in front of _______


(a) an, the (b) the, an

(c) to, an (d) a, the

8. Delhi is _______ capital of India.

(a) the (b) a

(c) an (d) none of these

9. It is _______ airy room.

(a) a (b) an

(c) the (d) none of these

10. _______ book on _______ table is new.

(a) the, a (b) a, the

(c) an, the (d) the, an

11. _______ old horse stumbles and nods.

(a) an (b) a

(c) the (d) none of these

12. Here I am _______ old man being read to by

_______ boy.

(a) an, the (b) the, an

(c) an, a (d) a, an

13. _______ old man is like _______ tattered coat

upon _______ stick.

(a) an, the, the (b) on, an, the

(c) an, on, the (d) the, on, with

14. _______ shepherd in _______ field is playing on

_______ pipe.

(a) a, the, the (b) on, the, an

(c) an, on, the (d) the, on, the

15. He gave me _______ guava and _______


(a) a, a (b) an, an

(c) an, the (d) the, an





Fill in the blanks with suitable articles.

1. _______ Asia is a big continent.

(a) the (b) a

(c) an (d) none of these

2. _______ Deccan is in the South of India.

(a) the (b) an

(c) a (d) none of these

3. _______ Punjab is _______ land of fi ve rivers.

(a) the, the (b) a, a

(c) the, a (d) none of these

4. _______ Times has _______ high reputation for

reliable news.

(a) the, the (b) the, a

(c) a, the (d) none of these

5. _______ Narmada and _______ Tapti fl ow into

_______ Arabian Sea.

(a) the, the, a (b) the, a, the

(c) a, the, a (d) none of these

6. _______ Vindhyas separate _______ Gangetic

plain from _______ Deccan.

(a) a, the, the (b) the, a, the

(c) the, the, a (d) none of these

7. _______ Ravi left Singapore.

(a) the (b) a

(c) an (d) none of these

8. They started at _______ Pacific from _______

top of _______ Mountain.

(a) the, the, the (b) the, a, the

(c) an, an, the (d) none of these

9. _______ West Wind wakens _______

Mediterranean from its summer dream.

(a) the, an (b) the, the

(c) a, the (d) none of these

10. Do you read _______ Times of India?

(a) the (b) a

(c) an (d) none of these





Fill in the blanks with suitable articles.

1. If _______ gold rusts, what will _______ iron


(a) the, the (b) the, a

(c) an, the (d) a, an

2. She has _______ endurance _______ foresight

_______ strength and _______ skill.

(a) the, an, a, the

(b) the, a, an, the

(c) an, a, the, a

(d) the, the, the, the

3. Keats tried to be _______ Milton of _______

Romantic age.

(a) the, the (b) a, an

(c) a, the (d) the, a

4. _______ tiger is _______ wild animal.

(a) the, the (b) a, the

(c) the, a (d) the, an

5. _______ milk in that bottle has become sour.

(a) an (b) the

(c) a (d) none of these

6. _______ coal of Jharia belt is very rich.

(a) the (b) a

(c) an (d) none of these

7. Beware of _______ fury of _______ patient


(a) the, the (b) a, an

(c) the, a (d) the, an

8. You should come here by _______ shortest


(a) the (b) a

(c) an (d) none

9. _______ donkeys are _______ stupid animals.

(a) the, the (b) the, a

(c) a, the (d) the, an

10. _______ girls do not often wear _______ hats.

(a) the, the (b) an, the

(c) the, an (d) none of these

11. _______ few students who read for _______

knowledge do not care for _______ results.

(a) a, the, the (b) the, the, the

(c) the, an, the (d) a, an, the

12. Only _______ few books should be chewed and


(a) a (b) the

(c) little (d) none of these

13. _______ memory is _______ fond deceiver.

(a) the, the (b) a, the

(c) the, a (d) a, a

14. This is _______ finest song I have ever heard.

(a) the (b) a

(c) an (d) none of these

15. _______ happiness is _______ inner state of


(a) the, the (b) a, the

(c) the, a (d) none of these






1. (c) 4. (a) 7. (d) 10. (a) 13. (a)

2. (d) 5. (b) 8. (a) 11. (a) 14. (a)

3. (a) 6. (b) 9. (b) 12. (a) 15. (a)




1. (a) 3. (a) 5. (b) 7. (a) 9. (b)

2. (a) 4. (a) 6. (b) 8. (a) 10. (a)




1. (a) 4. (c) 7. (c) 10. (a) 13. (c)

2. (d) 5. (b) 8. (a) 11. (a) 14. (a)

3. (a) 6. (a) 9. (a) 12. (a) 15. (a)

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