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MEG-07 Indian English Literature - Previous question papers


Term-End Examination

December 2021

Time : 3 Hours.       Maximum : Marks : 100

Answer all questions. All questions carry equal

1  1.Explain with reference to the context any four of the following passages in about 150 words each:                                            4x5=20

(a) My country! In thy day of glory past
      A beauteous halo circled round thy brow,
      And worshiped as a deity thou wast.

(b) Like a huge Python, winding round and round
     The rugged trunk, indented deep with scars
     Up to its very summit near the stars,
     A creeper climbs, in whose embraces bound
     No other tree could live.


(c) Thy golden light came down into my feet;
      My earth is now thy playfield and thy seat.

(d) The scents of red roses and sandalwood
      flutter and die in the maze of their gem-
      tangled hair.


(e) A poet-rascal-clown was born,
     The frightened child who would not eat
     Or sleep, a boy of meagre bone.

(f) I am sinner, I am saint.
    I am the beloved and the Betrayed.
    I have no joys which are not yours, no
     Aches which are not yours.

(g) Mortal as I am, I face the end with
     unspeakable relief,
     Knowing how I should feel if I were stopped
     and cut off.


2. Discuss the narrative technique of Mulk Raj Anand's novel       Untouchable.                               (500 words) 20
Raja Rao's Kanthapura captures the mood of India in the 1930s. Comment.                               (500 words)


3. Discuss the prose style of Jawaharlal Nehru with reference to his Autobiography                           (500 words). 20
Discuss the central theme in Anita Desai's novel Clear Light of Day                                                       (500 words).

4. Discuss the prose style of R.K. Narayan, with reference to his short stories prescribed in your syllabus (500 words). 20


Discuss Shashi Deshpande as a short story writer with reference to "The Miracle"                      (500 words).

5.Discuss Salman Rushdie's novel Midnight's Children as a Postcolonial text                                    (500 words). 20


Critically comment on Mahesh Dattani's play Tam as a feminist play                                                        (500 words).




Term-End Examination

December 2019

Time : 3 Hours       Maximum : Marks : 100

Answer all questions. All questions carry equal

1.   Explain with reference to the context any four of the following passages                           (150 words) : [4x5=20]
(a) My Country! In thy day of glory past

A beauteous halo circled round thy brow, 

And worshipped as a deity thou wast.

(b) Love came to Flora asking for a flower
That would of flowers be undisputed queen,
The lily and the rose, long, long had been
Rivals for that high honour. 

(c) Thy golden light came down into my feet;

My earth is now thy playfield and thy seat.

(d) The Indian landscape sears my eyes.
I have become a part of it
To be observed by foreigners
They say that I am singular
  Their letters overstate the case 

(e) I who have lost

My way and beg now at stranger's doors to
 Receive love, at least in small change ?


(f) The good wife lies in my bed
through the long afternoon; 

dreaming still, unexhausted
by the deep roar of funeral pyres.

(g) I can smell violence in the air
like the lash of coming rain -
mass hatreds drifting grey across the moon


2. Does Mulk Raj Anand's Untouchable provide a viable solution to the eradication of untouchability ? Discuss.                  [20]

Discuss the issue of form in Raja Rao's Kanthapura. 

 3. Write an essay on the role and importance of Raja in Anita Desai's novel Clear Light of Day.                                               [20]
Critically comment on Nirad C. Chaudhari's The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian.

4. Write an essay on the issues dealt within Subhadra Sen Gupta's "The Fourth Daughter."
Write an essay on Ruskin Bond's treatment of nature in the short stories in your course.

5. Write an essay on the "family as character" in Salman Rushdie's novel
Midnight's Children.                                               [20]

What according to you are the use of language in Mahesh Dattani's   Play Tara.



Term-End Examination

December 2018

Time : 3 Hours.      Maximum : Marks : 100

Answer all questions. All questions carry equal

1. Explain with reference to the context any four
of the following passages in about 150 words
each : 4x5=20 

(a) Where is that glory, where that reverence
now ?
Thy eagle pinion is chained down at last,
And grovelling in the lowly dust art thou,
Thy minstrel hath no wreath to weave for
Save the sad story of thy misery !

(b) Three happy children in a darkened room !
What do they gaze on with wide-open eyes ?

(c) The golden light came down into my brain
And the grey rooms of mind sun-touched
A bright reply to Wisdom's occult plane,
A calm illumination and a flame.

(d) o Love, I dreamed my soul had ransomed
In thy lone, dread, incalculable hour
From those pale hands at which all
mortals cower,
And conquered Death by Love, like Savitri.

(e) I have made my commitments now.
This is one : to stay where I am,
As others choose to give themselves
In some remote and backward place.
My backward place is where I am.

(f) I am Indian, very brown, born in Malabar,
I speak three languages, write in
Two, dream in one.
Don't write in English, they said, English is
Not your mother-tongue.

(g) I can smell violence in the air
like the lash of coming rain -
mass hatreds drifting grey across the moon.


2. Discuss Mulk Raj Anand's novel "Untouchable" as a novel of social criticism.                                                              (450 words) 20
Discuss the narrative technique of Raja Rao's Kanthapura.

3. Discuss the prose style of Jawaharlal Nehru with reference to his An Autobiography.                                    (450 words) 20
Discuss Shashi Deshpande as a short story writer with special reference to her story "Miracle".

4. Write a critical appreciation of Githa Hariharan's "Gajar Halwa".        (450 words) 20
Discuss the political dimensions in Anita Desai's novel Clear Light of Day.

5. Discuss the narrative technique in Salman Rushdie's novel Midnight's Children.                                             (450 words) 20
Discuss Mahesh Dattani's Tara as a problem play.


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