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MEG-11 American Novel : Selected University Questions


1.     How would you place Theodore Dreiser in the context of naturalism to understand his contribution to American fiction?


2.     What are the major thematic concerns of the post Second World War American novelists ? Discuss with reference to any two of the novels prescribed in your syllabus?


3.     Novelists of the nineteenth century America may be considered as "Social visionaries". Discuss with reference to the novels in your syllabus?


4.     The American Novel of the 19th century reflects the ideal of individual liberty. Discuss with reference to two novels in your syllabus?


5.     Attempt a critical essay on Naturalism in American fiction.


6.     Discuss the moral, religious and philosophical aspects as dealt with in the 19th century American novel?


7.     Briefly discuss some of the recurring images in Sister Carrie and comment on their significance?


8.     Evaluate Sister Carrie as a novel about life in the Modern American city?


9.     Explore the concept of The American Dream' in The Great Gatsby?

               What is the significance of the title ' The Colour Purple?

          Discuss Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby as a critique of the American social structure of the 1920s? 


          How does The Color Purple explore the issues of racial, sexual and class prejudice ?


     Analyse Alice Walker's The Color Purple as a Womanist' text?


1  Discuss Scott Momaday's A House Made of Dawn as a bildungsroman. Also comment on the significance of the title of the novel?


1    How does A House Made of Dawn portray the relationship between Francisco and Abel ?


1   Critically analyse the character of Holden Caulfield in Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye?


       Discuss The Catcher in the Rye as a coming-of-age novel?


1  Critically analyse the plot of the novel The Catcher in the Rye?


1     Write a detailed note on the language in The Catcher in the Rye. How does the colloquial, idiom contribute to creating the realistic character of Holden Caulfield ?

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