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MEG - 1 : BRITISH POETRY - Syllabus


Block 1


          General prologue to Canterbury tales

          The Nun’s Priest’s Tale

Block 2

Edmund Spenser

          Age of renaissance features

          The Epithalamion

          The Prothalamion

Block 3

John Donne

A Valediction : Forbidding Mourning

          The Canonisation

Batter My Heart

The Flea

The Extasie

Andrew Marvell

To His Coy Mistress

The Garden

George Herbert

          The Collar

The Pulley




Block 4

John Milton


          On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity

L’Allegro and Il Penseroso


Block 5

John Dryden

          Mac Flecknoe

Alexander Pope

          An Epistle to Dr.Arbuthnot

Features of Neoclassical Poetry


Block 6 & 7

Romanticism Features

William Blake

          The Chimney sweeper

          The Sick Rose


          The Lamb

The Tyger


          The Prelude

S.T Coleridge

          Kublah Khan

          Dejection an ode

P.B Shelley

          The Triumph of Life

John Keats



Block 8

Victorian Poetry

Robert Browning

Sordello in Mantua

Porphyria’s Lover

Childe Roland to The Dark Tower Came

Fra Lippo Lippi

Oscar Wilde

          The Ballad of Reading Gaol

D.G Rosetti and Christina Rosetti

The Blessed Damozel

The Goblin Market


Block 9

W.B Yeats

          Adam’s Curse

          No Second Troy

          Easter 1916

          Lapis Lazuli

Saliling To Byantium

T.S Eliot

          The Waste Land


Block 10

British Poetry from Modern to Postmodern

Dylan Thomas

          Fern Hill

          And Death Shall Have No Dominion

          Poem in October

Philip Larkin

          Church going

          I remember I remember


          The Whitsun Weddings

Sylvia Plath

          The Colossus


          Lady Lazurus



 Poetry That Haunts Us - Little Infinite - Poetry for Life


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