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Methods of writing

 or The process of writing


1. Pre-writing

Pre-writing activities are the preliminary steps before starting to write your essay.

 Understanding the question/topic, purpose and audience.

 Use pre- writing techniques like brainstorming, clustering/mind-mapping to list and organize your ideas.

 If your instructor has given you a question convert the question into a topic. If the topicis given by the instructor convert the topic into a question. If only a key word is given, you are required to frame topic as well as the question.

 Identify the sources and gather relevant materials.

 Prepare an outline; decide the logical ordering of ideas/cluster ideas for paragraphs.

 Identify the thesis statement.

2. Writing

 Frame the thesis statement and list the main points.

 Draft the introductory paragraph.

 Draft each body paragraphs with supporting points, substitution and transition.

 Drafts the concluding paragraph.

3. Revising / re-writing

 Edit and revise your essay: check for inconsistencies, tone, use of taboo words and expressions, grammar, spelling, punctuation and referencing.

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