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The Rocking-Horse Winner : Question answers ( Litmosphere)

 I. Answer the following in one or two sentences

1     1. What was the anxiety that they felt in the house?

Although they lived in a grand style, still they felt always an anxiety in the house that there was never enough money with them. The father and mother had a small income, but not nearly enough for the social position which they had to keep up.


2      2. What was the unspoken phrase that haunted the house?

The unspoken phrase that haunted the house was : “There must be more money! There must be more money!”. The children could hear it all the time, though nobody said it aloud. They heard it at Christmas, when the expensive and splendid toys filled the nursery.


3      3. What according to the mother causes to have money?

According to the mother ‘luck’ is the primary factor which causes to have money. She says : “ we are poor members of the family, because your father had no luck ”.


4     4. Why is it better to be born lucky than rich?

As far as the mother is concerned luck causes to have money. If somebody is lucky he/she has money. That is why it is better to be born lucky than rich. If somebody is rich they may lose their money. But, if he /she is lucky, they will always get more money.


5    5. What was Paul’s secret of all secrets?

Paul’s secret of all secrets was his wooden horse, which had no name. whenever he rides his rocking horse, it sometimes reveals the name of the horse which is going to win in the big races.

II. Answer the following in a paragraph.

1. How does Paul seek luck?

According to Hester it's luck that causes to have money. and she consider herself is the most unluckiest person as they are poor and her husband too had no luck. 

Hence, Paul wanted to prove that they have enough luck. Paul’s secret of all secrets was his wooden horse, which had no name. whenever he rides his rocking horse, it sometimes reveals the name of the horse which is going to win in the big races. he knew the hours could take him to where there was luck. This rocking horse remarkably made him winner several times.

2. Character sketch of Hester?

Hester is one of the most significant characters in the short story The rocking horse winner. She is the mother of Paul. though she is beautiful and married for love, she consider herself is unlucky and her love later turned to dust.

everybody else said of her that she is such a good mother and she adores her children. Although they lived in a fairly good style, they felt always an anxiety in the house that there was never enough money. She makes a great effort and tried different things to improve their way of life, but could not find anything successful.   

3. "My family has been a gambling family, and you won't know till you grow up how much damage it has done". Explain this statement?

Hester can never support gambling, as it had done irrecoverable damage to their family. Paul wanted to prove that they have enough luck. The only possible way is horse betting or gambling. Paul keeps everything as secret, he even seeks the help and support of their family lawyer in order to give the money that Paul earned through gambling. 

"My family has been a gambling family, and you won't know till you grow up how much damage it has done" this statement clearly marks that why she prohibits gambling. As it had destroyed her family once.

4. Paul's final bet?

As Derby race approaches, Paul grows more tense and his mother becomes anxious about him. Two nights before the Derby, she is at a big party in town and becomes overwhelmed with worry about Paul.

Paul's mother and father return from the party at about 2 a.m. Again caught with extreme anxiety, Paul's mother goes upstairs to check on Paul. She listens outside his door and hears a strange heavy noise that goes on and on. She can't identify the sound. She opens the door, switches on the light, and is frozen in fear and anxiety at the sight. Paul, in his green pajamas, is rocking wildly on his horse. When she cries out to him, he screams, "It's Malabar!" and then falls from the horse. Paul's mother rushes to hold him.

For three days Paul suffers from a brain fever and his mother stays by his side, heartbroken. Paul's mother asks everyone what Paul means by "Malabar." Uncle Oscar says it is the name of a horse running for the Derby, and then he speaks to Bassett and places a bet on Malabar.

On the evening of the third day, Paul dies. Bassett asks to speak to Paul. He whispers to Paul that Malabar won and Paul won over £80,000. Paul tells his mother about his rocking horse and how lucky he is. He dies that night. Uncle Oscar comforts his mother by telling him that she is now much richer.

4. Supernatural element in '' The Rocking Horse Winner''?

D.H Lawrence is the most celebrated modern writer and his craftsmanship reflects in the short story The Rocking Horse Winner. He significantly uses the supernatural elements such as the murmuring house and the rocking horse. 

When Hester in general and Paul in particular conscious about their financial state, their house seems to whisper the phrase "There must be more money!,There must be more money!

Then, as the title itself remarks. the wooden rocking horse has the magical power as after every ride it can predict the name of the horse racing winner. it's again quite supernatural that a wooden horse easily reveals the name of the winner.

5. Symbolism in ''The Rocking Horse Winner''?

  Through the short story The Rocking Horse Winner D.H Lawrence shows the nature and life style of a modern middle class family. this family is highly materialistic as their main aim is making money and becoming rich.

The whispering house is a powerful symbol as it expresses the general mindset of the characters like Hester and Paul. their house seems to whisper the phrase "There must be more money!,There must be more money!" which reflect the mind of the characters. thus, D.H Lawrence  used surrealism in the short story, it is the manner of representing the unconscious mind of the charters in a distorted way.

Yet, another powerful symbol is the Rocking horse, it acts as the greatest secret as well as the mystery. It symbolizes Paul's luck and fortune. in the final part of the story the same horse leads to the death of Paul.


   THE ROCKING HORSE WINNER 1949 British Cinema Classic Australian daybill -  Moviemem Original Movie Posters

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