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MEG-05 Literary Criticism and Theory Study materials


 Syllabus outline


Previous Question Papers 


Model Questions 


Literary Criticism and its functions


What is literary theory


Contributions of Plato as a critic  


Aristotle as a critic 


Critique of Romanticism 


Preface to the lyrical ballads by William Wordsworth: summary 


Fancy and Imagination 


New Criticism 


Tradition and the individual talent by T.S Eliot summary 


Important critical concepts of T.S Eliot 


Marxism and Literature 


What is Deconstruction


Deconstructive reading of Waiting for Godot  


Deconstruction a short note 


From work to text by Roland Barthes Summary 


The Death of the Author 


Psychoanalysis- Freud and Lacan 


New Historicism 




Features of Postmodern Literature 


Features of Postcolonialism 


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