JUNE - 2021
MEG - 5 Literary Criticism and Theory
Time : 3 Hrs Maximum Marks : 100
Answer any 5 of the following questions
1 - Comment on Plato's views on poetry and drama? 20
2 - Attempt a critique of Romanticism? 20
3- "Honest criticism and sensitive appreciation are directed not upon the poet but upon the poetry". comment 20
4- How do Marxists understand literature? 20
5- Assess the contribution of Mary Wollstonecraft to the emancipation of women? 20
6- Contributions of Freud in the Field of Literary criticism 20
7- write a note on any two of the following 20
(A) Hamartia and peripetia
(B) Rasa
(C) Death of the Author
(D) Fancy and Imagination
December, 2019
MEG - 5 Literary Criticism and Theory
Time : 3 Hrs Maximum Marks : 100
Answer any 5 of the following questions
1. Explain how Plato views art as twice removed from reality. (20)
2. Attempt a critique of 'Rasa' as understood in ancient Indian literature. (20)
3. Critically examine S.T. Coleridge's views on the esemplastic power of the poetic imagination. (20)
4. 'New criticism' emphasizes the text, not the background. Comment. (20)
5. What is superstructure in Marxist criticism ?(20)
6. Evaluate Elaine Showalter's contribution to feminist criticism. (20)
7. Analyze John Donne's The Canonization' with the tools of 'Deconstruction'. (20)
8. What does Spivak mean by `Subalternity' ? Explain with examples. (20)
June, 2020
MEG - 5 Literary Criticism and Theory
Time : 3 Hrs Maximum Marks : 100
Answer any 5 of the following questions
1. write a note on any two of the following 20
(A) Structuralism
(B) Deconstruction
(C) Sigmund Freud
(D) Fancy and Imagination
2. Functions of literary criticism
3. Explain in your own words Aristotle's theory of mimesis. (20)
4. Briefly explain 'The intentional fallacy' and `The affective fallacy'. (20)
5. What is meant by 'superstructure' in Marxist Theory ? How would you interpret it ? (20)
6. What is meant by the death of the author in critical theory ? (20)
7. Attempt a critique of post-colonial theory with special reference to Said, Spivak and Bhabha. (20)
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