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Prepositions for competitive examinations


Preposition is a part of speech that governs a noun, pronouns, phrase or clause.

It has its position (pre-position) before a noun, pronoun or phrase.


 For example:

1. Ram came into my room.

2. The dog jumped upon the table.

3. I went to college.

4. He acted under compulsion.

5. A bridge was built across the river.

6. She sat beside me.

7. In compliance with his orders, schools were closed immediately.

8. Come to my home at seven o’clock.

9. He could not go to England on account of his marriage in September.

10. Leaves fell from the tree. But sometimes, a preposition is placed after the word it governs. For example:

1. I need a house to live in.

2. Who are you talking about?

3. What is he aiming at?



1. In, Within

In means at the expiry (end) of something; within means before the expiry of the time.

(a) She will come again in an hour.

(b) He will go to Delhi within this month.

2. After, In

After refers to time that has already passed; in refers to time that is to come in future.

(a) I met Mohan after five years.

(b) She is going to Canada in a month.


3. At, In

At is used for a small place or period of time; in is used

for big place or period of time.

She lived at a village in U.P.

(b) He lives in Delhi.

(c) The examination is at hand.


4. In, Into

In specifies a state of rest inside something; into shows motion towards the inside of something.

(a) Rahim was sitting in his room.

(b) Rahim went into his room.

5. On, Upon

On shows a thing at rest; upon indicates a thing in motion.

(a) My books are lying on the table.

(b) I threw my books upon the table.

6. After, behind

After refers to time; behind refers to space.

(a) He promised to contact me after five days.

(b) I went behind him.

7. Between, Among

Between refers to two things or persons; Among refers

to more than two things or persons.

(a) Divide the sweets between Ram and Shyam.

(b) Distribute the sweets among Ram, Shyam,

Moti and Rakesh.

8. Beside, Besides

Beside means ‘by the side of’; besides, on the other

hand, means ‘in addition to’.

(a) She came and sat beside me.

(b) Besides a hearty meal, we were given a

warm room for taking rest.

9. By, With

By indicates the doer or agent of some action; with

refers to the instruments used for that action.

(a) The landlord was killed by the dacoit with a





1. The point you spoke of will be attended

_______. But if you ever touch _______ it

again, I hope you will speak _______ length on

the wider question _______ which that points


(a) to, at, on, upon (b) to, upon, at, on

(c) at, on, upon, to (d) upon, to, at, on

2. This is an exception _______ the usual rule. I

hope, therefore, you make an exception _______

of my son’s case and show some forbearance

_______ his inexperience.

(a) to, of, for (b) of, for, to

(c) for, to, of (d) to, for, of

3. Live amenably _______ reason, and independently

_______ other man’s help.

(a) of, to (b) to, at

(c) to, of (d) at, of

4. It is better even to be blind _______ an eye, than

to be blind _______ one’s own fault.

(a) to, of (b) of, to

(c) at, of (d) of, at

5. He is committed _______ a policy which he now

dislike and is not certain _______ success.

(a) to, at (b) at, to

(c) to, of (d) at, of

6. He is blessed _______ good health.

(a) at (b) the

(c) to (d) with

7. This ship is bound _______ India and is bound

by contract to arrive a Calcutta _______ the 18th

of July.

(a) for, on (b) at, for

(c) on, for (d) for, at

8. He is accountable to his master _______ the


(a) at (b) for

(c) on (d) with

9. I do no concur _______ you _______ that


(a) in, with (b) in, at

(c) with, in (d) at, with

10. The decision of the dispute is left _______ me;

but I have not yet given my decision _______

the matter.

(a) on, to (b) at, to

(c) to, at (d) to, on

11. I have much experience _______ sickness,

but none _______ curing them. He guesses

_______ his answers: for he has genius

for mathematics; in fact, he is not a genius

_______ anything.

(a) of, at, in, to (b) of, at, in, in

(c) of, in, at, in (d) in, at, of, in

12. In old times an incursion was made _______

England _______ the Danes who at first were

more than a match _______ the Saxon.

(a) by, for, into (b) into, for, by

(c) for, into, by (d) into, by for



1. I was born _______ India _______ Delhi.

(a) in, at (b) in, to

(c) at, in (d) to, in

2. The moon rose _______ twelve o’clock _______

the night.

(a) in, at (b) at, to

(c) at, in (d) to, in

3. We knew him _______ a glance as soon as he

came _______ sight.

(a) at, in (b) to, in

(c) in, at (d) at, to

4. He lives _______ Naddish _______ the province

_______ Bengal.

(a) in, at, of (b) in, of, at

(c) at, in, of (d) at, of in

5. The boat was tied _______ the shore _______ a

sailor _______ a rope.

(a) to, by, with (b) with, to, by

(c) to, with, by (d) by, with, to

6. The field was ploughed _______ a peasant

_______ a pair of oxen.

(a) with, by (b) by, with

(c) by, to (d) to, with

7. The work must be done _______ twelve o’clock.

(a) at (b) to

(c) in (d) by

8. You must be back _______ a week _______ the

present time.

(a) from, within (b) at, within

(c) within, from (d) to, from



9. No one has seen him _______ Thursday last.

(a) for (b) since

(c) to (d) at

10. I have not seen him _______ his last birthday.

(a) for (b) at

(c) to (d) since

11. He will not get home _______ sunset.

(a) before (b) by

(c) at (d) to

12. I shall be ready to start _______ two or three


(a) at (b) to

(c) by (d) within

13. Take care _______ be back by midday.

(a) to (b) by

(c) in (d) at

14. I shall not be back _______ the end of the week.

(a) to (b) in

(c) at (d) by

15. He has been absent _______ home _______

Friday last and I do not think he will return

_______ the 30th next month.

(a) since, by, from (b) from, by, since

(c) from, since, by (d) by, since, from

16. Let me see you again _______ an hour’s time.

(a) at (b) in

(c) by (d) to

17. I shall have completed my task _______ tomorrow


(a) by (b) at

(c) in (d) to

18. The train will start _______ forty minutes from


(a) to (b) the

(c) in (d) within

19. I have lived in Allahabad _______ 1st March.

(a) on (b) since

(c) by (d) to

20. I do not expect that he will be here _______ a

week and I am certain that he will not be here

_______ sunset today.

(a) before, within (b) before, to

(c) within, before (d) since, within







1. (b) 4. (b) 7. (a) 10. (d)

2. (a) 5. (c) 8. (b) 11. (c)

3. (c) 6. (d) 9. (c) 12. (d)





1. (a) 5. (a) 9. (b) 13. (a) 17. (a)

2. (c) 6. (b) 10. (d) 14. (b) 18. (d)

3. (a) 7. (d) 11. (a) 15. (c) 19. (b)

4. (c) 8. (c) 12. (c) 16. (b) 20. (c)

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