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UGC NET Previous Questions and Answers from Gulliver's Travels and Jonathan Swift


1. Which of the following prose works has not been authored by Swift?
(a) Gulliver's Travels

(b) A Tale of a Tub
(c) An Argument Against Abolishing Christianity

(d) Tom Jones


2. Which of the following prose works has been authored by Swift?

(a) Robinson Crusoe

(b) The Pilgrim's Progress
(c) Utopia
(d) A Modest Proposal


3. Jonathan Swift belongs to
(a) Age of Chaucer
(b) Elizabethan age

(c) Age of Pope
(d) Modern age

4. In which of the following category would you put Swift's Gulliver's Travels?

(a) Epic

(b) Satire
(c) Tragedy
(d) Fairy Tale

5. In Gulliver's Travels, Gulliver sets Out on…………..
(a) four voyages

(b) five voyages
(d) six voyages
(c) three voyages

6. Which of the following voyages was undertaken by  Gulliver in Gulliver's Travels?

(a) voyage to Brobdingnag

(b) voyage to Congo
(C) voyage to the Malayan islands

(d) voyage to Denmark

7. Which of the following voyages was not undertaken by Gulliver in Gulliver's Travels?

(a) voyage to Lilliput
(c) voyage to the Land Houyhnhnms
(b) voyage to Brobdingnag
(d) voyage to Congo


8. On reading Swift's Gulliver's Travels one may infer

a) nothing is big or small, it is only the way you look at it, relative perception
(b) a man can be destroyed but not defeated
(c) happiness is but an occasional episode in the general drama of life
(d) life is an adventure

9. In Gulliver's Travels Swifts yahoos may be taken as
(a) a symbol of low level to which humanity may degenerate into when the restraints or reason and  society are removed
(b) a symbol of a man's yearning for freedom
(c) the unjustified ways of God to man
(d) a symbol of the English imperialistic attitude

10. In Swift's Gulliver's Travels Lilliput was threatened with an invasion from

(a) the island of Blefuscu

(b) Brobdingnag

(c) Japan
(d) Mildendo

11. In Swift's Gulliver's Travels, there is a reference to two parties in Lilliput which are antagonistic to each other. These two parties are…………..
(a) The blacks and the whites

 (b) Tory and Whig
(c) The democrats and the Republicans

 (d) Slamecksan and Tramecksan

12. The character in Gulliver's Travels who brought about an impeachment against Gulliver in Lilliput was
(a) Bolgolam
(c) Mildendo
(b) Blefuscu
(d) Flestrin

13. Which of the following is an article of impeachment against Gulliver in Lilliput?
[a) he had conspired to kill the king
(b) he was clandestinely in love with the queen
(c) he was planning to run away from Lilliput
(d) he had discharged urine within the precincts of the royal palace

14. Voyage to Lilliput is followed by which voyage in Swift's Gulliver's Travels?

(a) voyage to Brobdingnag

(b) voyage to Laputa
(c) voyage to Houyhnhnms

(d) voyage to Congo

15. Where does the following line occur? "Nothing is great or little, otherwise than by comparison"
(a) voyage to Lilliput

(b) Voyage to Brobdingnag
(c) voyage to Laputas

 (d) voyage to Houyhnhnms

16. What was the name given to Gulliver in his "A Voyage to Brobdingnag ”?
(a) Bolgolam

(b) Blefuscu

(c) Mildendo

(d) Grildrig

17. Glumdalclitch is the name of a girl who looked after Gulliver in his

(a) voyage of Lilliput

(b) voyage of Brobdingnag
(c) voyage of Laputa
(d) voyage of Houyhnhnms

18. How did Gulliver escape from Brobdingnag?

(a) he ran away when his escort was sleeping
(b) the box in which he was kept was lifted by an eagle and it chanced that the box was dropped in an ocean
(c) Gulliver was allowed by the King of the land
(d) England attacked Brobdingnag and Gulliver was freed

19. Lagado is the capital city in Gulliver's

(a)  Lilliput

(b)  Brobdingnag

(c)  Laputa
(d) Houyhnhnms

20. Yahoos appear in which of the following voyages of Gulliver?

(a) voyage to Lilliput

(b) voyage to Brobdingnag
(d) voyage to Houyhnhnms
(c) voyage to Laputa

21. Which of the following statements may be true in the context of Swift's Gulliver's Travels?
(a) Houyhnhnms were the masters and Yahoos their servants
(b) Yahoos were the master and Houyhnhnms their Servants
(c) Houyhnhnms and Yahoos were friends
(d) Houyhnhnms and Yahoos were enemies of each other

22. In which of the voyages of Gulliver, Swift's misanthropy appears the most poignant?

(a) voyage to Lilliput

(b) voyage to Brobdingnag
(d) voyage to the Houyhnhnms
(c) voyage to Laputa

23. Which of the following books by Swift contains the tale of three sons Peter, Martin and Jack?
(a) The Battle of the Books

(b) A Tale of a Tub
(c) A Modest Proposal
(d) Gulliver's Travels

24. Which of the following works of Swift is a religious allegory?
(a) Gulliver's Travels
(b) Journal to Stella

(c) Polite Conversation
(d) A Tale of a Tub








1 D        2 D    3 C    4 B    5 A

6 A        7 D    8 A    9 A    10 A

11 D    12 A    13 D    14 A    15 B

16 D    17 B    18 B    19 C    20 D

21 A    22 D    23 B    24 D

1 comment:

  1. Thanks a lot sir.
    Expecting more like this.


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