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Writing style of Mulk raj anand


Anand's Philosophy of Humanism

Humanism can be defined as, "A rationalistic outlook or system of thought attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters. A Renaissance cultural movement which turned away from medieval scholasticism and revived interest in ancient Greek and Roman thought." Humanism discarded the orthodox belief that considered human being as worthless, wicked and doomed in this world and hereafter. Humanism abolished such notions and doctrines. Renaissance humanism explored and emphasised human capability, reason, morality, dignity and even bliss. The central concern of Mulk raj anand is to shed light on the darker aspects, and demands rapid actions against to eradicate injustice. His works of art in general try to give voice for the voiceless and oppressed.

Anand's Social Realism

 Anand depicts real social manners, customs, ideas and beliefs which are characteristic of life in the Punjab. He inherited an indelible impression of Punjab because he was born and brought up in Peshawar now in Pakistan. He portrays Punjabi character and highlights menaces of a real life.

 Anand's realism manifests the excessive use of the downtrodden characters like Munoo, Bakha and Gangu so on. The aim of Mulk Raj anand is to portray the unknown but sad realities of the people who destined to do menial jobs.

Anand's Naturalism: A Sordid Aspects of Life

 "There lived the scavangers, the leather workers, the washer men, the barber, the water carriers, the grass-cutters and other outcastes from Hindu society. A brook near the lane, once with crystal-clear water, now soiled by the dirt and filth of the public latrines situated about, the odour of the hides and skins of dead carcasses left to dry on its banks, the dung of donkeys, sheep, horses, cows and buffaloes heaped up to be made into fuel cakes." The opening scene of Untouchable is unparalleled for its realistic touch. Anand dextrously portrays the sordid and ugly aspects of life. Anand believes that beauty and ugliness, cleanliness and filth, sweet and offensive smells go side by side in real life. Dirt and filth of the public latrines, the skins of dead carcasses, and the dung of donkeys, sheep, horses, cows and buffaloes are so real that one can feel and visualise every detail. In another scene, the lecherous Pandit attempt to molest Sohini. One can easily perceive what the Pandit feels. Anand could not ignore the reality of life and attempts to present naturalism.

Realistic Subject

He focused on the harsh realities of life. He transformed mere entertainment into an instrument for social reform. Anand has been sincere to his subject and being a devoted writer his chief objective was to focus attention on suffering, misery and wretchedness of the have nots. He believes that capitalism, feudalism are the chief forces which exploit and oppress the downtrodden . Both of his novels Untouchable and Coolie made us sympathise with oppressed characters like Bakha and Munoo. Other novels except Untouchable and Coolie, are brimmed with the anguish and aspirations for a free and better life.


Arts for Life Sake or Proletarian Humanism

 Anand is a Proletarian humanist so he does not believe in extravagance, lavishness and luxury. He believes in the theory of Arts for life sake'. 'Arts for Arts Sake' is mere an escape from the harsh realities of life. He is not an escapist. He has been conscious of the need to revolutionize and inspire the untouchables, the peasants, the coolies and the lowest social or economic class of a community. He poured all his energy and efforts into his pen to write for the proletariat to bring dignity to their lives. Anand says, "The theme of my work is the whole man and whole gamut (range) human relationship, rather than one single part of it." In his view the marginalised need human dignity, self-awareness and freedom more than anything else.

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