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BEGC-111 Women’s Writing - Syllabus


1.  Neither a Shadow Nor a Reflection - NASEEM SHAFAIE

2.  Solitude - For the Girl Child - NASEEM SHAFAIE

3. Don’t Wash - Lakshmi Kannan

4. Her Dream - Indira Sant

5. An Introduction - Kamala Das

6. A Hot Noon in Malabar - Kamala Das

7.  Measure Every Grief I Meet - Emily Dickinson

8.  Heard A Fly Buzz-When I Died - Emily Dickinson 


 1. A Kitchen in the Corner of the House By C.S. Lakshmi

2. The Yellow Wallpaper By Charlotte Perkins

3. The Legacy By Virginia Woolf

4. A Cup of Tea By Katherine Mansfield




1. Sunlight on A Broken Column by Attia Hossain



1. A Testimony of Our Inexhaustible Treasure By Pandita Ramabai

2.  A Woman's Retelling of the Rama-Tale: The Chandrabati Ramayana

3. Mary Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Woman: with Strictures on Political and Moral Subjects

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