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Symolism of color purple in Alice Walker's The color purple


A woman can be destroyed but not defeated.

experiences of exploitation was the central concern for the Black writers in general and Black women novelists in particular. For them writing was for the life’s sake not for ‘Art’s sake’, thus they expressed their hushed feelings and deprived traumas and developed their own self by asserting their own space in the society. So, the assertion of selfhood and formation of identity turned to be  the dominant themes in the works Black women writers.


Colours have always   symbolic significance in literature. Which shed lights to some unspeakable aspects of human life. The women writers especially Alice Walker and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie well utilised the symbolism of colour purple in their novels, The Color Purple and Purple Hibiscus, to signify the freedom from the patriarchal clutches, a new awakening and rebirth of the central characters.


 Purple is a rare colour in nature and its unavailability has given it a special place and significance. Purple is usually associated with royalty, power, creativity, magic and ambition. It also implies a sense of liberation and innovation.

The colour 'purple' is a beautiful blend of two different shades, red (violence/ passion) and blue (stability/ endurance). As we know freedom and creativity have a close connection with violence and stability. Purple colour integrates the characteristics of both these colours and brings out a fine balance of the aggressiveness of red and the calmness of blue.

The title of Alice Walker’s novel, The Color Purple emphasizes the richness and her love for the colour 'purple.' In the preface to her novel she mentions, “This color that is always a surprise but everywhere in nature.”  A colour which suggests the ability to overcome the hardships in life and come out of their oppressive situations triumphantly. Purple colour has some interesting connection in the political scenario too. In 1970's purple was the colour of the women's liberation movement. 'The Purple Rain Protest' was a significant struggle against apartheid which eventually lead to the slogan 'The Purple Shall Govern'. Hence, the colour 'purple' symbolises freedom, courage and transformation.

Alice Walker's much celerated novel, The Color Purple is a remarkable piece of work which marks a transition from enslavement to   empowerment of a girl Celie.

It revolves around the story of a victimized woman, who regains her self and transforms to different personality by exploring her potential and  asserting her own space in the society. Walker presents her protagonist as one who undergoes a series of changes from a downtrodden, degraded, despised, abused and misused thing to an independent and liberated woman.

The colour 'purple' represents all the beautiful and precious things that God has created for his people to appreciate and enjoy in life. Celie had lost all the sense of appreciation for things that surrounded her. She was totally oblivious to the beauties that God had created. Her horrible life practically alienates her from all the good things and defunctions her morally and emotionally. Shug Avery, a singer and lover of Celie's husband acts as a vehicle through whom Celie not only becomes aware of her oppressed condition but is also empowered to address her situation with renewed hope and assurance for a better life.

Shug teaches Celie that God created the little things like the color 'purple' for his people just to make them happy. She enlightens Celie by saying that God wants us to notice and appreciate his creation. She motivates her to enjoy life which is exactly what God wants us to. Appreciating and enjoying his creation is one way of expressing our love and gratitude to God.

Celie's life  was devoid of any colour and darkness was only the visible one. Appreciating the colour 'purple' brings about a physical, emotional and spiritual healing for Celie. She also loves to wear purple colour but feels that the colour would'nt suit her. She thinks of purple colour when she goes out for shopping with Kate to buy a dress for herself. Celie has her room painted purple and red.

 The colour purple also symbolises the indomitable spirit of Sofia who unlike Celie fights for a meaningful existence. She is a woman with strong will power struggling to earn self-respect and dignity. She stands for the female version of rebellion in the novel.


Although brutally bruised, destroyed and suppressed Sofia stands as stark contrast to Celie in her efforts to put up with the male dominated world. Walker's red symbolises boldness and passion. Shug dresses in red. Celie makes pants for Shug in red. 

                        The Color Purple By Alice Walker | Used | 9780753818923 | World of Books

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