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BEGLA-135 : ENGLISH IN DAILY LIFE : solved previous year question papers




(i) When you keep people waiting, the subtle message you are giving them is that your time is more important than theirs. It conveys a sense of disrespect and a lack of acknowledgment, implying that your priorities take precedence over theirs.


(ii) Keeping someone waiting is stressful for the person who is making them wait because they know they are disappointing someone. The person waiting may be anticipating the reasons for the delay, feeling anxious or frustrated, and wondering about the impact on their own commitments. The act of keeping someone waiting can lead to anger or resentment on their part.


(iii) According to the writer, being late is preventable. Examples from the passage include planning ahead, allowing extra time, and making allowances for unexpected problems. The writer suggests that, instead of making excuses like blaming traffic, individuals should take responsibility for not factoring enough time into their schedules.


(iv) The person who waits indirectly indicates that this behavior is not appreciated by showing frustration in various ways, such as not taking the late individual seriously, avoiding them, being disrespectful, choosing to spend time with others, or even showing up late to future appointments as a form of retaliation.


(v) Title: "The Impact of Punctuality on Relationships and Stress"

Explanation: The suggested title reflects the central theme of the passage, emphasizing the consequences of being late on both interpersonal relationships and personal stress levels.


i     - Subtle

ii    - Precious

iii    - Resentful

iv    - Overshadow

v    - retaliation



(i) Valued commodity: 

Time is a valued commodity that should be respected by everyone. 

(ii) Highly stressful: 

Keeping people waiting can be highly stressful for both parties involved. 

(iii) Exceptions to the rule: While there are exceptions to the rule, most instances of being late are preventable. 

(iv) Compound the problem: 

Making excuses can compound the problem of being late and undermine other positive traits. 

(v) Underestimate: 

It would be unwise to underestimate the negative impact of making someone wait. 



There have been occasions when I was kept waiting, and it invoked a mix of feelings. Initially, there was patience, but as time passed, I started feeling annoyed and anxious, especially if it affected my own commitments. Towards the person who kept me waiting, I felt a sense of frustration and a lack of consideration for my time. It made me question the importance they placed on our meeting and whether they valued my time as much as I did. The experience emphasized the significance of punctuality in maintaining respectful and considerate interpersonal relationships.

 (Need to expand the points with more explanation)



 "The most efficient way to live reasonably is every morning to make a plan of one's day and every night to examine the results obtained."


Time management is crucial in today's fast moving world, as it enables individuals to maximize their productivity, achieve their goals, and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Effectively managing time is essential for both personal and professional success.

One of the central reasons why time management is important lies in its direct impact on productivity. Time is a finite resource, and how it is utilized can significantly influence the outcome of one's efforts. Properly managed time allows individuals to prioritize tasks, allocate resources efficiently, and complete projects in a timely manner. This not only enhances productivity but also reduces stress associated with looming deadlines.


Moreover, effective time management is instrumental in achieving personal and professional goals. Whether it's advancing in a career, pursuing education, or engaging in personal development, a well-structured approach to time ensures steady progress. Without proper management, goals may remain unfulfilled, leading to frustration and a sense of stagnation.

In the professional realm, time management is often synonymous with success. Meeting deadlines, attending meetings, and accomplishing daily tasks require careful planning and execution. Professionals who master time management are more likely to excel in their careers, as they can handle multiple responsibilities without compromising the quality of their work.


Beyond professional life, time management plays a crucial role in maintaining a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle. Individuals who effectively manage their time can allocate dedicated periods for work, recreation, and personal relationships. This balance is essential for overall well-being, preventing burnout and fostering a sense of satisfaction in various aspects of life.


Following are the practical tips for effective time management:


1. Set Clear Goals: Begin by defining short-term and long-term goals. This provides a sense of direction and purpose, making it easier to allocate time to tasks that contribute to these objectives.

2. Prioritize Tasks: Not all tasks are equal in importance. Prioritize them based on deadlines and significance. This ensures that crucial tasks are addressed first, preventing last-minute rushes.

3. Create a Schedule: Develop a daily or weekly schedule outlining specific time slots for various activities. Stick to this schedule as closely as possible to build a routine that promotes efficiency.

4. Eliminate Distractions: Identify and minimize distractions that can derail productivity. This might include turning off notifications, finding a quiet workspace, or setting specific times for checking emails and messages.

5. Break Tasks into Smaller Steps: Large tasks can be overwhelming. Break them into smaller, more manageable steps. This not only makes the task less daunting but also allows for a more accurate estimation of the time required.

6. Use Time Management Tools: Utilize apps, calendars, and other tools to help organize and track tasks. These tools can provide reminders, deadlines, and visual representations of your schedule.

7. Learn to Say No: Understand your limits and be willing to decline additional commitments when necessary. Overcommitting can lead to stress and compromise the quality of your work.

8. Take Breaks: Regular breaks can enhance focus and prevent burnout. Short breaks between tasks can refresh the mind and improve overall productivity.

Hence, time management is a critical skill that impacts various aspects of life. By recognizing its importance and implementing practical strategies, individuals can achieve greater productivity, reduce stress, and create a more fulfilling and balanced lifestyle.







The Pursuit of Happyness, directed by Gabriele Muccino and released in 2006, is a heartfelt and compelling drama based on the true story of Chris Gardner's struggle with homelessness and his relentless pursuit of a better life for himself and his son. Starring Will Smith and his real-life son Jaden Smith, the film explores themes of resilience, determination, and the unwavering bond between a father and his child.

The film follows Chris Gardner (Will Smith), a salesman struggling to make the two ends meet. Facing financial hardships and homelessness, Chris decides to pursue an unpaid internship at a prestigious stock brokerage firm in the hope of securing a better future. As he faces numerous challenges, including the daily struggle for shelter and the demands of the competitive internship, Chris remains devoted to providing a stable life for his young son, Christopher (Jaden Smith).


Positive Aspects of the movie


1. Outstanding Performances: Will Smith delivers a career-defining performance as Chris Gardner. He skillfully portrays the character's emotional journey, capturing the desperation, determination, and eventual triumph with authenticity. Jaden Smith also shines in his role as the young Christopher, displaying a natural and touching chemistry with his real-life father.


2. Realism and Authenticity: The film's strength lies in its realistic portrayal of homelessness and the challenges faced by Chris Gardner. The gritty depiction of life on the streets and the daily struggles adds a layer of authenticity, grounding the narrative in the harsh realities faced by many individuals.


3. Emotional Resonance: The Pursuit of Happyness is emotionally resonant, particularly in its exploration of the father-son relationship. The challenges faced by Chris Gardner serve as a backdrop to the profound bond between him and his son, creating a powerful emotional connection that resonates throughout the film.

4. Motivational Theme: The film's central theme of perseverance in the face of adversity is motivational and inspiring. Chris Gardner's journey becomes a testament to the power of resilience and determination, encouraging viewers to pursue their dreams despite obstacles.


5. Cinematic Craftsmanship: Director Gabriele Muccino's direction effectively captures the stark contrast between Gardner's struggles and the aspirational world of finance. The use of handheld cameras during intense moments adds a documentary-like feel, enhancing the film's overall impact.


Negative Aspects:


1. predictable Narrative Structure: Some critics argue that the film follows a formulaic rags-to-riches narrative, which, while emotionally compelling, adheres to familiar storytelling conventions. The predictability of certain plot points might lessen the element of surprise for viewers familiar with similar narratives.


2. Simplification of Struggle: While the film tackles serious issues, it has been criticized for simplifying the complexities of homelessness and the systemic challenges faced by those in similar situations. The focus on individual determination might overshadow broader societal issues contributing to poverty.


3. Limited Character Development: Certain supporting characters lack depth and development, with Chris Gardner's colleagues and employers at the brokerage firm feeling somewhat one-dimensional. This limitation in character exploration could have added additional layers to the narrative.


In fact, The Pursuit of Happyness is a moving and inspirational film marked by exceptional performances, particularly by Will Smith. While it follows a somewhat formulaic narrative structure and simplifies certain aspects of its subject matter, the emotional resonance, authenticity, and motivational themes make it a memorable cinematic experience. The film successfully balances the harsh realities of life with moments of hope, leaving a lasting impression on audiences.



(i) I've given myself until the end of November to finish the project.

(ii) It's Anu's birthday some time around the middle of May.

(iii) Jagdish is in Korea at the moment.

(iv) He hurt his leg as he jumped over the wall.

(v) The students were very enthusiastic about the school play.




(i) If he had studied, he would have passed the exam easily.

(ii) If she did not go out today, she would still be alive.

(iii) If we had budgeted wisely, we would have saved money.

(iv) It would have been better if you had read the book.

(v) Imagine if you could live anywhere in the world./
If you could live anywhere in the world, what place would you choose?




Since fluid milk spoils easily, it must be handled carefully and quickly. The milk is collected from farms and taken to receiving stations where it is inspected, chilled, and weighed. It is then transferred to a pasteurizing plant, and in special tank trucks or railroad cars, it is pasteurized, making it safe to drink. The milk is killed to eliminate all dangerous bacteria, and it is made safe by being heated to at least 143 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 minutes. At the pasteurizing plant, some of the milk is homogenized, which means it is treated to break down the fats so that the cream gets distributed throughout the milk. 


(i) The terrorists blew up the railway bridge.

(ii) Your health will improve a lot if you give up on cigarettes.

(iii) I'm not going to put up with drinking any longer.

(iv) I must go to the shop because we've run out of food.

(v) My sister came to pick me up at the airport.

(vi) The curtains don't go with the sofa set.

(vii) Please turn off the fan before you leave the room.

(viii) Why did she turn down the invitation?

(ix) Your ankle is swollen; I think the doctor ought to look at it.

(x) We arranged to meet at 7.30 pm, but she did not turn up.


Some points and ideas can be used in conversation


Hey Mom and Dad, have you ever considered using social networking sites on your phones or computers?


I think it could be a great way for you to stay connected with family and friends.


You can easily share updates about your lives and see what everyone else is up to.


Plus, it's a fantastic way to share photos and memories with relatives who might live far away.


 Using these sites can also help you keep track of events and birthdays more easily.


 It's like having a virtual family gathering, and you won't miss out on important moments.


 Another advantage is that you can follow your favorite topics or hobbies, getting updates and staying informed.


 It's not just about personal connections; you can also join groups related to your interests, finding like-minded people.


These platforms often have news features, helping you stay up-to-date on current events and trends.


It's a convenient way to communicate, share, and engage with others without the limitations of physical distance.


 Security measures have improved, and you can control who sees your information, ensuring privacy.




Some are born great some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them words of William Shakespeare

Most respected principal, esteemed faculties , and my fellow friends,

I stand before you today not just as a candidate for the position of President of our College Council, but as someone deeply invested in the collective vision we hold for our college. Over the past few years, I've witnessed the incredible potential and spirit that defines our campus, and it is with great enthusiasm that I present to you my vision for the betterment of our college.


First and foremost, I believe in fostering a sense of unity among us all. Our strength lies in our diversity, and I envision a college where every student feels a strong sense of belonging. To achieve this, I propose the creation of more inclusive spaces, where ideas from every corner of our diverse community are not just heard but celebrated.


Education is at the core of our college experience, and I am committed to enhancing it. I plan to work closely with faculty and students to introduce innovative learning initiatives, ensuring that we are not just acquiring knowledge but developing critical thinking and practical skills that will serve us well beyond the classroom.


Furthermore, our college should be a hub for creativity and collaboration. I propose the establishment of a platform where students from different disciplines can come together to work on projects, fostering a culture of interdisciplinary collaboration. This will not only enrich our academic experience but also prepare us for the dynamic challenges of the real world.


In the digital age, I believe we can grasp technology to improve communication and transparency. I plan to implement a robust online portal where students can access important information, provide feedback, and actively participate in the decision-making processes of our college.


Lastly, but crucially, I am committed to sustainability. Our college should be a model for environmentally conscious practices. From reducing waste to promoting eco-friendly initiatives, we can make a tangible impact not only within our campus but also in the broader community.


As a concluding remark I would like to say that, my vision for our college is primarily the unity, innovation, collaboration, transparency, and sustainability. Together, I believe we can transform our college into a place that not only equips us with knowledge but also nurtures the skills and values that will shape us into responsible and capable individuals.


I am not just asking for your votes; I am asking for your partnership in realizing this vision. Let us work together to make our college experience not just memorable but truly transformative.


Thank you for your time, and I look forward to the opportunity to serve you all as your College Council President.

I would like to conclude my speech with the great word of Abraham Lincoln “Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm. Whatever you are, be a good one.”

Thank You for your constant support

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