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There are 4 kinds of conditional sentences. A Conditional sentence has two parts or clauses which give a condition and followed by a result. The conditional clause usually contains an if statement which conveys the condition and the main statement (main clause) which conveys the resulting action.



The zero conditional sentences uses the present tense in both clauses and it is used to talk about truths or facts.

 Form: If + simple present, simple present

Example : If you heat the water, it boils

         If you drive carelessly, it leads to accident.



The first conditional uses the present tense in the if clause and the future tense in the resulting clause. This form is used to talk about something that is a probable future result of a condition.

Form: If + simple present, will + base verb

Example 1: If I see you later, I will say hello.

     If you work hard, you will pass the exam

     If you give money, I can buy sweets

     If you invite me I will come.


3-      SECOND CONDITIONAL (improbable/ far possibility)

The second conditional is used to talk about things which are unreal (not true or not possible) in the present or the future -- things which don't or won't happen.


Form: If + simple past, modal (would/could/ might)


Example 1: If I met the Queen of England, I would say hello.

            If you invited me I would come.

She would pass the exam if she ever studied well.


4-      THIRD CONDITIONAL (Impossible)

The third conditional uses the past perfect in the if clause and would/could/might have + past participle (V3) in the resulting clause.


This form is used to talk about the unreal situations in the past. It did not happened in the past.


Form: If + past perfect, modal would/could/might have + past participle


1: If it had rained last week, the plants would not have died.

  If I had finished college, I would have become a doctor

If I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam.


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