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Important Idioms and Phrases


The Alpha and Omega - Beginning and end


Barking up the wrong tree - Accusing the wrong person


Bell the cat - Do the most dangerous job 


Make no bones  - Make no objections


A bird’s eye view - A general view 


To enjoy the lion’s share  - To enjoy the major part


To see eye to eye    - To agree


A snake in the grass   - Unrecognised danger


Cat and dog life   - Life of constant discord


Crocodile tears - Hypocritical tears


Out of harness - Retired; at leisure


Led by the nose - Mislead, deceived


Part and parcel  - Essential portion


Smell a rat - Detect something suspicious


Another pair of shoes - Different matter


Throw cold water on - Discourage


White elephant - Something useless and expensive


Show the white feather - Behave like a coward




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