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Feminism in Pride and Prejudice


Novel is indeed  a powerful genre which conveys the spirit of an age or the ideologies of the writer. Some novels can be considered as a social document, as it significantly comments about the social set up and the mind-set of the different characters.

Jane Austen remarkably reflects her ideas regarding feminism in her novel entitled Pride and Prejudice which is first published in 1813. The story highlights the problems of treatment toward women in the early phase of nineteenth century. women are treated differently in society; they experience gender difference, gender inequality and gender oppression. Elizabeth, the central character of Pride and Prejudice is a perfect feminist character.

Men and women are situated in the society not only differently but also unequally. Specifically, women get less of material resources, social status, power and opportunities for self-actualization than men share their social location based on their class, race, occupation, ethnicity, religion, education, nationality, or other any socially significant factors.

“Mrs. Bennet : Oh! My dear, I cannot bear to hear that mentioned. Pray do not talk of that odious man. I do think it is the hardest thing in the world that your estate should be entailed away from your own children; and I am sure if I had been you, I should have tried long ago to do something or other about it.”

The unequal treatment in the novel of Pride and Prejudice can be seen in the system of entailment (rule regarding inheritance). The main character faces the system of entailment, It can be supported by the statement of Mrs. Bennet “I do think it is the hardest thing in the world that your estate should be entailed away from your own children this rule of society forces the main character to marry her cousin to keep her estate and secure her family in economic problem as her parents do not have a son.

Women get less of material resources in the social set up of nineteenth century, by the system of entailment, it can be seen that woman is dependent on the property owned by her husband. However, Elizabeth refuses the proposal of her cousin, as she does not want to marry him for material interests. She keeps the indomitable spirit of feminism in her mind.

The statement appears at the outset of the novel  It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of wife claims a rich man needs a wife and a woman will be the object of family to marry a rich man to secure the family’s economy as a woman can get material comforts only through her husband’s property; therefore, woman cannot freely choose her spouse and is always dependent on family choice.

As an offshoot of feminism, Liberal Feminism claims gender equality. The appeal from Liberal Feminism is the values of individualism, choice, freedom, and equality of opportunity. The main character Elizabeth  represents the true sense of individualism.

 She prefers to give her Longbourn estate and refuses the help from Mr. Collins as she does not want to sacrifice her own happiness to marry a man she does not love because of the system of entailment. By this way she also claims the equality of man and woman in freedom of choosing their mate to pursuit of happiness and at least by this way she has an attempt to avoid the system and keep her decision with her.  But due to the spirit of feminism, she also experiences quarrel with her mother as she is very disappointed with her refusal to Mr. Collins. It expressed in her statement I should never speak to you again, and you will find me as good as my word. I have no pleasure in talking to undutiful children.

She strongly raised her voice for the freedom, expressed her individuality by speaking honestly about her genuine feeling. By saying “My feelings in every respect forbid it” she strengthens her individualism developed as she bravely shows her refusal to a man she does not love and the statement “Do not consider me now as an elegant female intending to plague you, but a rational creature speaking the truth from her heart” definitely expresses her freedom in expressing herself as woman who has moral and right to speak and do what she has to do to develop herself as a human being.

 The issues of feminism in the novel were rampant because of gender inequality that could be seen in the system of entailment and the lack of opportunity of self- actualization. The system of entailment in Pride and Prejudice was the future restriction of ownership of family estate to particular descendants. It was limited to male heirs. As Mr. Bennet does not have a son, his estate was entailed to Mr. Collins. Woman acquires less of opportunity for doing self actualization as a woman faced the issue of matchmaking to secure family’s economy; therefore, woman cannot freely choose her spouse and is always dependent on family’s choice.

The main character could face several issues and she experienced the effects of feminism in which she had successfully conveyed liberal feminism
which supported the right of women in value of individualism, choice, freedom,
and equality in opportunity. The effect of feminism in system of entailment was the claim of individualism in expressing the right to choose and determine her own life though she experienced quarrel with her mother. The effect of feminism in self-actualization was the asserting of individualism as she can develop her individuality by speaking frankly about her feelings and she also expresses her freedom in expressing herself as woman who has moral and right to speak and do what she has to do to develop herself as a human being.

                                      Buy Pride Prejudice book : Jane Austen , 8172344503, 9788172344504 - India

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