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There was a music band, all of them were expert guitarists. They used to give mega-concerts to hundreds of guitar fans. In a little room they kept their guitars when not in use. One day, before one of their concerts, they called on an expert tuner to tune and fix up their guitars. The tuner began his job right in earnest. He picked one of the guitars and began pulling, testing and tensing the strings...The guitar cried with pain.

Ouch! Ouch! You beast! Can't you see, you hurt me?

When the other guitars saw what was going on, they got frightened and began trembling with fear...One of them said:

Guitar: Look at this brute! He is heartless... He seems to enjoy making our comrade you think he is going to treat us in the same way?...

With that all the guitars started crying... The tuner, however, went on with his work with pitiless unconcern... He took on a guitar, one after another. At the end, all the guitars were weeping and wailing. They cursed that barbarous and sadistic tuner in a remote corner of the room, there was a guitar half-hidden from the sight of the tuner. It  slightly moved behind a chair and prayed to God from the depths of her heart:

Guitar: Oh God! I beseech you, spare me that torment. I do not want to be tuned! Keep me away from the hands of this torturer, from this beast! Please, please...

To her good luck she went unnoticed... She was spared the agony of being tuned. She was so glad... She cried for joy. She prayed:

Guitar: Thank you, God! How fortunate I am! You spared me that torment. I am so happy! Thank you, God!

In the evening the guitarists came to the room to pick up their guitars. There and then, they began trying out their guitars. All were giving the sweetest and most harmonious sounds ever. The guitarists were very pleased with the guitars. One of them remarked: Guitarist: Oh! How lovely these guitars sound! Our tuner has done a perfect job! They give the sweetest, clearest and most mellifluous notes I have ever heard!

Needless to say, the guitars felt very flattered and proud of themselves... Then, one of the boys took the guitar that was half-concealed behind the chair... He picked it up and struck the strings. Gosh, what a rancorous sound it gave! Then, one of the guitarists jokingly said:

What a lousy guitar! It sounds like a frog! Croak... croak croak! Ha! Ha! Ha! Who will ever like to play with it? It's useless!

 The boys had a hearty laugh at the felt highly insulted and began to cry... it felt humiliated... no good...not wanted. By now the players having picked their guitars, except the croaking one... left the room and went to the concert. That guitar was left all alone in that dark room... She wept and wept. She wailed:

Guitar: I am useless...I am not good... Nobody likes me. Nobody wants me! 


 Acoustic Guitar Tuner Online | Tuning Acoustic | Fender  

Answer the following questions

1.Why were the guitars crying while they were tuned?

2.Why were they happy in the evening when the guitarists took then into the concert?

3.Why was the untuned  guitar happy in the morning and sad at night?

4.What does the tuning represent here?

5. Does it convey any life lesson ?

Theme: Nothing great can be accomplished without suffering discipline and efforts. Most of our failures are due to our fear and aversion to pain and discipline. We have to accept responsibility for our failures and short comings.

No success is possible without effort and sacrifice.
There is no easy way to accomplish great things.
We should be grateful to those who help us, even when they cause us pain.
Those who sincerely love us may make us suffer sometimes.
We learn and improve through suffering.
We must be courageous to face anything in the life.
If winter comes can spring be far behind.

Habits of unsuccessful people who never move forward in life

1.They resist change.

2. They procrastinate regularly.

3. They lack a clear vision.

4. They don’t value self-improvement.

5. They avoid taking risks.

6. They blame others for their failures.

7. They surround themselves with negativity.

8. They focus on the problems, not the solutions.

9. They fear criticism.

10. They lack discipline.












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